

Use common sense when interacting in the forums. You know what is generally acceptable and what is not.

Please keep all conflict that happens in character in character. Do not bring it out with you.

Respect your fellows by not being a flamer or troll. Do not start unnecessary conflict and definitely do not pick fights or point fingers.

Galexion is a "PG-13" rated forum. Swearing/cursing/cussing is allowed on occasion, but not in excess. There is to be no mature content.


There is no word count minimum, but we expect quality posts. Be respectful by using good spelling and grammar. We're not going to be policing your grammar, but it's hard to roleplay when you cannot understand the other players.

General forum posting rules apply. This means no advertising, double posting or spamming. If you wish to add more to your post, please use the Edit Post function.


When creating your account, make sure the username is the full name of your character. Do not incluse symbols or numbers in the name.

There is a strict one character per account policy at Galexion. If you wish to have several characters, create new accounts for each. If we feel that you cannot manage all of your characters, we reserve the right to delete inactive characters.

You must complete a character registration in order to use the roleplaying boards. We do not expect tons of content in these registrations, but we do expect you to at least fill out the framework. This is to let yourself and others know more about your character.

Account Activity

After 30 days, if you have not posted with your character, that account is considered inactive. You will be sent an email notification about the account's inactivity. If you do not post within 14 days of the inactivity notice, your character will be deleted and presumed dead.

If you know you will be gone for 30 days, please post in the Welcome and Absense board. This will allow us to know of your intentions and we will not delete your account.

If your character is deleted, you may not "revive" the account.

If your character is deleted, you are not considered "banned". You may create a new character if you wish to.